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Wetlands have become true sanctuaries for birds.  Wetland habitat has recently been discovered to be the most successful habitat for birds on Planet Earth because it's the ONLY habitat that is seeing increasing numbers of individuals and species.  (Sadly, we all know what that means for every other habitat.)  All four NAAS Sanctuaries - outlined below - include wetlands. "The trends for our nation’s birds reveal a vital message. Birds are declining overall in every habitat except in wetlands, where decades of investment have resulted in dramatic gains."   Volunteer Stewards from NAAS for each Sanctuary work with land management partners to ensure the success of these vital habitats.

Conservation works when we give birds and nature a chance. Let’s do more to save our nation’s birds and benefit people in every state."

2022 State of the Birds Report2022 Audubon successes!

Hooded Merganser by Eric Gofreed

Sedona Wetlands Preserve

Wastewater becomes the new life water for bird species in many spots of Arizona. NAAS's Sedona Wetlands Sanctuary is one of those life-giving wetlands. It's a "Birdability" location that is meant "to share the joys of birding with people who have disabilities, and to ensure birding is accessible to everybody."  

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Kachina Wetlands Preserve

Want to find a place with high diversity of both wetland and upland birds along with a stunning view of the San Francisco Peaks?  Located 10 minutes south of Flagstaff is this “global hotspot” which is one of the most birded spots within NAAS's boundaries.  It is also the top eBird hotspot in Coconino County, which is saying a lot because it's the third largest county in America. World-class Flagstaff birders have found 247 species and are often rewarded with rare birds; such as, American and Least Bittern, Sabine's Gull, Greater White-fronted Goose, Short-billed Dowitcher and many more. 

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Bubbling Ponds Preserve

This Sanctuary has two unique parts that straddle Oak Creek:  The bubbling ponds with adjoining mesquite bosque, and the state’s largest cold-water fish production facility located across the river at 1600 N Page Springs Rd. Monarch Butterfly enthusiasts created and maintain the Monarch Waystation. This habitat is included in the Important Bird Area of Lower Oak Creek. Bubbling Ponds Preserve offers outstanding wildlife viewing with reports of River Otter, Mountain Lion and 263 species of birds to date.

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Flagstaff High School Biology Trip

Picture Canyon Nature and Cultural Preserve

Picture Canyon is a cultural and archaeological jewel which serves as a critical riparian corridor. This section of the Rio de Flag, fed by the City's Wildcat Hill Wastewater Treatment Plant, creates a wetlands at the North end where Marsh Wrens can easily be heard chattering away in the summer. It's a featured location for the Arizona Watchable Wildlife Experience as sponsored by Arizona Fish & Game Dept. Click here to view their description.

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Northern Arizona Audubon

P O Box 1496 Sedona, AZ 86339

Sanctuary Locations:

Bubbling Ponds
1950 N Page Springs Rd
Cornville AZ 86325

Sedona Wetlands
7500 W State Route 89A,
Sedona, AZ 86336
(Inbetween mile markes 365 & 366) 

Picture Canyon
N. El Paso Flagstaff Rd 
Flagstaff, Arizona

Kachina Wetlands
2263 Utility Rd,
Flagstaff, AZ 86005

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