Dena Greenwood said to think of her when we see Western Bluebirds and many of us still do when we see those brilliant birds and hear their sweet contact calls as they keep in touch with each other. She left us far too early in June of 2018 and as an expression of appreciation NAAS members and other dear friends gave donations that created the Greenwood Fund:
"This is a fund established in memory of Dena Greenwood in recognition of her tireless and loving commitment to birds, the birding community and the preservation of the natural world of Northern Arizona."
Dena's beloved husband, Randy Miller, and friend, Brent Bitz, have created an enduring project for The Greenwood Fund that honors her life perfectly. In the upcoming years, NAAS will partner with Friends of the Verde River to establish a "Library Pollinator & Learning Garden" at the Camp Verde Library. Dena was an educator and her teaching will continue through this interactive garden space.
The goal of the "Learning Garden" is threefold - to implement and demonstrate the capture and use of rainwater, to provide and encourage hands-on learning opportunities and experiences, and to turn a neglected area of library grounds into a beautiful garden space. Dena would love knowing that water conservation techniques and the value of pollinators for the health of gardens are being taught. She would very much appreciate that people of all ages are being taught harvesting techniques for successful and sustainable greenspaces in the Verde Valley.
Dena's memory lives on and will never fade from our hearts or the earth!

(This fund is now closed but rest assured your donations are being put to the utmost use to benefit the natural world and its future stewards.)