NAAS will hold it's annual meeting to elect board members on January 29th at the Sedona Library at 6:00 pm immediately preceding the presentation.
This month's presentation is:
Birds of Costa Rica by Gerry Snyder
Last April Gerry and his wife Michelle went to Costa Rica on two birding tours then birded the country on their own. Come hear Gerry give a presentation with lots of bird pictures, some information about the birds, and a bit of travelogue. Costa Rican snacks will be served. Sedona Community Library, 3250 White Bear Rd. Sedona. Wednesday Jan. 29, 2025. 6:00pm. Sponsored by Northern AZ Audubon Society.
Social time with snacks at 5:30 pm. Program begins at 6.
To read more about the directors up for election go here:
2025 Annual Meeting-Elections-FINAL.pdf