Our Mission
To engage people in appreciating and protecting birds and the places they need.
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| If you would like to contribute a poem, short article, or photo to the BlackHawk Watch, please contact us: birdnaas@gmail.com |
Northern Arizona Audubon Society has been the voice for birds in Northern Arizona since 1972.We envision a future in which bird diversity is high, and birds are thriving in northern Arizona. You can help! Whether you become a member, donate or simply share your appreciation of birds with others, you are making a difference. |
Database of Bird and Pollinator friendly plants
Did you know we have a database arranged by elevation of bird and pollinator-friendly plants on our Resource page? Plants for Birds It's organized by the type of plant—grass, forb, shrub and tree—and by each plant's elevational range: found only below 6,500 feet (Sedona, the Verde Valley, Winslow), found only above 6,500 feet (Flagstaff, Williams), and found both above and below 6,500 feet. Nurseries likely to have native plants are listed at the end of the database, along with sources of information about butterfly and moth host plants. |
Discover birdingAre you a birder, birdwatcher, or curious about birdwatching? Come birdwatch with Northern Arizona Audubon Society in the Flagstaff, Sedona and Verde Valley area. Northern and Central Arizona contain all the major types of biomes and offers some of the best inland birding in the United States. We are an inclusive group, so people of all backgrounds, lifestyles, and perspectives are highly encouraged to participate. - by Jake Abel
GUIDED BIRDINGDiscover new birds and enjoy birding!We are offering more field trips to a bigger variety of places than ever before. Our guides are avid local birders who know the habitats well. Each trip is tailored to increase your knowledge of birds and their environs. BIRDING HOTSPOTSDiscover where to bird on your ownThese two links contain all of the records about where the top birding spots are located. See top media from County hotspots and recent checklists: |
Join our next Field Trip!VIEW UPCOMING DATES | View the Birding Reports!PAST EVENT REPORTS | View the Birding Galleries!PHOTOS & VIDEOS |